UniSIG: Copy-editorial decision-making strategies

From 18 March 2022 16:00 CET until 18 March 2022 17:00 CET
Categories: SIG meetings
Hits: 2146

For the second UniSIG meeting of 2022, we welcome PhD candidate and copy-editor Adrian Stenton and Dr Morana Lukač, both of whom are researchers associated with the Leiden University Centre for Linguistics.

Morana and Adrian’s presentation is inspired by their online survey of 288 editors in 2020, in which respondents were given very short unedited texts and asked to focus on a single usage feature. Many respondents couldn’t resist editing the entire text, and Morana and Adrian found some interesting differences and similarities in their edits. During the meeting, we’ll find out more about the survey and whether we edit similarly to the respondents.

All SENSE members are invited to attend this online event, which promises to be lively and interactive and will take place on Friday 18 March from 16.00 h – 17.00 h Amsterdam time (CET). Registration will close at 09.00 h on 18 March and registered participants will be emailed the Zoom link to the meeting. If you haven't received the link by noon and it isn’t in your spam, please email me (Joy), and I’ll send it to you personally. Anyone interested in acquiring a PE point for attending this meeting should also contact me.