Sworn translators

A number of sworn translators are SENSE members.  Before hiring a sworn translator, remember to check their Wbtv number against the official registry of sworn translators to see if their sworn registration is still current.


sense-online.nl has 31 registered members

Search criteria

Christy de Back

Services: interpreting, translating
Specialities: arts and culture, business, communications and media, education, social sciences
Qualifications: MA in English Language and Literature, University of Leiden, The Netherlands
Experience: I have more than 20 years of experience as a freelance translator, conference interpreter and language trainer working for a wide range of clients including Erasmus University of Rotterdam, Oxfam Novib, McDonald's, Rotterdam Festivals, Teylers Museum in Haarlem, Feyenoord football club, Rijksmuseum Amsterdam and NWO in The Hague.
Native English speaker: No
Dutch to English, English to Dutch
Sworn translator: Yes
Wbtv: 403

Nicole van den Wittenboer

Services: editing, language teaching, proofreading, training, transcription, translating
Specialities: business, communications and media, education, engineering and technology, finance, information technology, law, natural sciences, social sciences, sports and recreation
Qualifications: - Post-Graduate Diploma in Translating (French-English-French, German-English) from the University of Salford (1997), UK; Degree in Commercial French and Teaching French as a Foreign Language from Paris-Sorbonne, France (1992); Propedeuse in Spanish Language and Cultural Studies from University of Nijmegen (1986)
Experience: Set up my own language services business in 1994
- Professional Freelance Translator between Dutch and English
- Language Trainer in French and Dutch for business and GCSE and A-Level (secondary school qualifications in the UK)
- Interpreting between Dutch and English for business as well as in courts and prisons in the UK
- Provided work placements to under-graduate students from the Vertaalacademie in Maastricht as well as MA students from the University of Salford for many years between 2001 and 2009
Native English speaker: No
Dutch to English, English to Dutch
Sworn translator: Yes
Wbtv: 0

Test User Jan Modaal

De Bilt
Services: copywriting, editing, translating
Specialities: agriculture and fisheries, engineering and technology, law
Qualifications: Bachelor of Arts in Translation and Interpreting
Experience: Accurately translated a wide range of documents, including legal contracts, marketing materials, and technical manuals

Worked closely with clients to understand their specific requirements and delivered translations that met their expectations

Assisted in interpreting at meetings and events, providing language support to both parties

Contributed to the development and implementation of translation quality assurance processes
Native English speaker: Yes
Dutch to English
Sworn translator: Yes
Wbtv: 123456

Margriet Hunter

Services: editing, proofreading, translating
Specialities: arts and culture, communications and media, government, health and medicine, law, social sciences
Qualifications: BA (Hons) History of Art, B Tr
Native English speaker: Yes
Dutch to English
Afrikaans to English, English to Afrikaans
Sworn translator: Yes
Wbtv: 5177

Woutera Willemsen

Native English speaker: Yes
Dutch to English, English to Dutch
Sworn translator: Yes
Wbtv: 547

Simon Edwards

Services: editing, proofreading, translating
Specialities: business, engineering and technology, finance, law
Qualifications: FCA - Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. BSc(Eng) in Chemical Engineering (University College London)
Native English speaker: Yes
Dutch to English
Sworn translator: Yes
Wbtv: 40487

Christien Ettema

Services: copywriting, editing, proofreading, training, translating
Specialities: agriculture and fisheries, natural sciences
Qualifications: M.Sc. Agriculture, Ph.D. Ecology, kort-hbo Vertaler Engels
Experience: GREEN and NATURAL are my keywords!
* NATURAL as in “I am commited to making natural translations”: idiomatic, sense-for-sense rather than word-for-word translations, into natural English or natural Dutch.
* GREEN as in “green expertise”: Owing to my previous career and education (MSc agriculture, PhD ecology) my areas of expertise are agriculture, ecology, nature conservation and environmental sciences.
* GREEN as in “green business practice”: My language service is a sustainable business.
Please visit my website to learn more!
Native English speaker: No
Dutch to English, English to Dutch
Sworn translator: Yes
Wbtv: 189

Jasper Pauwels

Services: editing, proofreading, translating
Specialities: business, communications and media, finance, government, law
Qualifications: Master of Arts; Bachelor of Translation
Experience: September 2017 – present
Freelance translator as Pauwels Translations
Translation and revision from English and French into Dutch. Main areas of expertise are legal and marketing. Legal translation examples include terms and conditions, agreements and privacy notices. Some examples of marketing translation are product descriptions and commercial texts on apps, consumer electronics, e-learning, games and software.
Native English speaker: No
Dutch to English, English to Dutch
French to Dutch
Sworn translator: Yes
Wbtv: 16467

Jolanda Wesenbeek

Services: editing, interpreting, translating
Specialities: agriculture and fisheries, arts and culture, business, communications and media, law
Qualifications: English Translation MA of Leiden University, English Interpretation B. Comn., SIGV Court Interpreter & Court Translator in Criminal Cases, Conference Interpretation Postgraduate at Ghent University (A Dutch, B English, C German and Spanish)
Experience: Since 2007.
Native English speaker: No
Dutch to English, English to Dutch
German and Spanish into Dutch
Sworn translator: Yes
Wbtv: 741

Justine Stoop

The Hague
Services: interpreting, translating
Specialities: business, government, health and medicine, law
Qualifications: Sworn translator for Dutch, English, German
Experience: Translator since 1989
Interpreter since 2008
Native English speaker: No
Dutch to English, English to Dutch
Sworn translator: Yes
Wbtv: 2204

Arsen Nazarian

The Hague
Services: editing
Specialities: business, communications and media, finance, government, health and medicine, information technology, law, literary, social sciences
Qualifications: Bachelor degree in Translation Dutch-English, Bachelor of Political Sciences
Experience: More than 30 years in translation business
Native English speaker: No
Dutch to English
Persian, Armenian
Sworn translator: Yes
Wbtv: 961

Marilyn Hedges

The Hague
Services: copywriting, editing, language teaching, proofreading, translating
Specialities: arts and culture, business, communications and media, education, literary, social sciences
Qualifications: MA in Historical Sociolinguistics/BA in English Language anc Culture/ BA in Translation
Experience: In-house translator and editor for Leiden University since 2003. Coordinator/translator/editor of the Academic Language Centre at Leiden University.

Freelance translator since 2000 for government organisations, business clients, consultancies, academic clients,

Book translations (academic / scientific non-fiction).
Approved translator Nederlands Letterenfonds.
Native English speaker: Yes
Dutch to English
Sworn translator: Yes
Wbtv: 4518

Maria Sherwood Smith

Services: editing, language teaching, translating
Specialities: arts and culture, social sciences
Qualifications: D.Phil. (Oxon.) Medieval and Modern Languages; B.A. (Dubl.) Modern Languages; SIGV
Experience: Translation and language editing since 1996
Native English speaker: Yes
Dutch to English
German to English
Sworn translator: Yes
Wbtv: 1825

Patrice Pinguet

Services: language teaching, journalism, training, translating
Specialities: arts and culture, business, communications and media, education, government, health and medicine, law, literary, natural sciences, social sciences, sports and recreation
Qualifications: IoLET, Diploma in Translation, Chartered Institute of Linguists, London.
Experience: >25 years of experience as part of an in-house translation department and as a free-lance translator with clients (direct clients and agencies) in The Netherlands and abroad
Native English speaker: No
Sworn translator: Yes
Wbtv: 2761

Maite Johanna Francois

Services: copywriting, editing, proofreading, translating
Qualifications: Engelse Taal en Cultuur aan de VU te Amsterdam
Experience: 15 years as translator/proofreader/traffic manager at UvA Talen B.V. in Amsterdam
1 year as translator/proofreader at Wilkens C.S. in Leiden
some freelance experience as a translator
Native English speaker: No
Dutch to English, English to Dutch
Sworn translator: Yes
Wbtv: 3915

Claire Koers

Services: editing, translating
Specialities: agriculture and fisheries, education, law, sports and recreation
Qualifications: Bachelor of Communication
Native English speaker: Yes
Dutch to English
Sworn translator: Yes
Wbtv: 5031

Liz van Gerrevink-Genee

Services: editing, proofreading, translating
Specialities: business, engineering and technology, finance, law
Experience: More than 25 years' experience.
Sworn translator since 2007. Extended registration at Bureaubtv until January 2029. Wbtv no. 528.
My specialities are: legal & financial, architecture and building industry, technical.
CAT tool: SDL Trados Studio 2022.
Native English speaker: Yes
Dutch to English, English to Dutch
Sworn translator: Yes
Wbtv: 528

Liesbeth Wallien

Services: translating
Specialities: law
Qualifications: Dolmetscherschule Zürich
Experience: After ten years as an in-house translator I went freelance in 1995. Most of my work is legal, with a sprinkling of financial and commercial translations.
Native English speaker: No
Dutch to English, English to Dutch
German to English
Sworn translator: Yes
Wbtv: 206

Anita van Adelsbergen

Services: copywriting, editing, interpreting, language teaching, journalism, proofreading, training, translating
Specialities: agriculture and fisheries, arts and culture, business, communications and media, health and medicine, law, literary, sports and recreation
Qualifications: MA, MCIL, CL, Chartered Linguist
Experience: Experienced multilingual journalist, voice over, translator, interpreter. Native speaker Dutch, English, German. Fluent in Italian and French. Specialisations: Equine, Canine, (Veterinary) Medicine, Sports, Judo, Ayurveda and general. Chartered Linguist and Full member of Chartered Institute of Linguists.
Conference speaker and chair.
Native English speaker: Yes
Dutch to English, English to Dutch
German, French, Italian, Danish into Dutch and English
Sworn translator: Yes
Wbtv: 4320

Paulien Copper

Services: translating
Specialities: education, health and medicine
Qualifications: BA degree in organic farming (1984) and BA degree in Dutch / English translation (1990)
Experience: Over 25 years of experience as a medical translator for universities, publishers, journals, scientists and patient organisations. Specialised in translating educational materials (syllabi, regulations, exams), academic texts (PhD theses, publications) and questionnaires (validations).
Native English speaker: No
Dutch to English, English to Dutch
Sworn translator: Yes
Wbtv: 3425

Alison Gibbs

Services: editing, proofreading, translating
Specialities: business, finance, government, law
Qualifications: BA in German and Russian, Postgraduate diploma in Translating and Interpreting, Diploma - Chartered Institute of Bankers
Experience: I worked in commercial positions for banks in the UK and the Netherlands for 10 years. I have been a freelance translator specialising in financial and legal translations, editing and proofreading since 1996.
Native English speaker: Yes
Dutch to English
German to English
Sworn translator: Yes
Wbtv: 136

Kirsten van Hasselt-Schelleman

Services: translating
Specialities: health and medicine
Qualifications: BSc Applied Science; Marketing Diploma; ITV
Native English speaker: Yes
Dutch to English
Sworn translator: Yes
Wbtv: 3922

Ian James Gaukroger

Services: editing, language teaching, translating
Specialities: law
Qualifications: Master of Music, University of Rochester NY
Experience: 23 years as a legal translator. Also: regular translations for Classical music clients
Native English speaker: Yes
Dutch to English
Sworn translator: Yes
Wbtv: 2517

Margreet van Rijswijk

Services: editing, proofreading, translating
Specialities: health and medicine, law
Experience: Finished ITV Utrecht in 2004 and as of 2005 freelance translator/editor English to Dutch and Dutch to English, with 1 1/2 years working as assistant project manager on project English translation of a Dutch medical dictionary, QA and final and substantive editing. Specialties are medical (DSM-V), pharmaceutical and legal translations. Additionally, I translate cookbooks. Previous medical background as a nurse.
Native English speaker: No
Dutch to English, English to Dutch
Sworn translator: Yes
Wbtv: 2985

Paul Melkert

Services: proofreading, translating
Specialities: business, education, government, law
Native English speaker: No
Dutch to English, English to Dutch
Sworn translator: Yes
Wbtv: 2269

Brendan Feeney

Services: copywriting, editing, interpreting, language teaching, proofreading, training, transcription, translating
Specialities: arts and culture, business, communications and media, education, health and medicine, law, literary, social sciences, sports and recreation
Qualifications: English Teaching Degree 2nd grade (Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science), French & German Teaching Degree 1st grade (Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science), PGCE Modern Languages (Edge Hill University College), B.A. Combined Hons. in German and French Language and Literature (University of Reading)
Experience: Provider of Dutch, English, French and German language services to corporate and private clients (1995-present).

Teacher of English, French and German at primary, secondary and tertiary level educational establishments in both England and The Netherlands (1997-2022).
Native English speaker: Yes
Dutch to English, English to Dutch
Flemish to English, French to English, German to English
Sworn translator: Yes
Wbtv: 40318

John Edmund Hynd

Services: copywriting, editing, indexing, interpreting, language teaching, journalism, proofreading, training, translating, subtitling
Specialities: agriculture and fisheries, arts and culture, business, communications and media, education, engineering and technology, finance, government, health and medicine, information technology, law, literary, natural sciences, social sciences, sports and recreation
Qualifications: BSc., BPhil., Mag. Theol.
Experience: 15 years of translation and interpreting, 10 years of teaching and 5 years of editing.
Native English speaker: Yes
Dutch to English
German to English, French to English, Italian to English
Sworn translator: Yes
Wbtv: 1159

Arienne van den Dries

Services: editing, proofreading, translating
Specialities: communications and media, finance, law, literary
Qualifications: MA in English language and literature
Experience: - translator at Ernst & Young (2 years)
- editor/translator at NautaDutilh (11 years)
- part-time freelance editor/translator at AKD (3 years)
Native English speaker: No
Dutch to English, English to Dutch
Sworn translator: Yes
Wbtv: 3129

Naomi Gilchrist

Services: proofreading, transcription, translating
Specialities: arts and culture, business, communications and media, education
Qualifications: Bachelor of Arts – Translator English
Native English speaker: No
English to Dutch
Sworn translator: Yes
Wbtv: 28781

Lisette Eindhoven

Services: editing, journalism, proofreading, translating
Specialities: arts and culture, communications and media, law, social sciences, sports and recreation
Qualifications: Master Cultural Anthropology, Bachelor of Translation
Experience: Freelance journalist and proofreader/corrrector (Dutch only) since 2007. Freelance translator Dutch - English and English - Dutch and proofreader/corrector English - Dutch since 2013.
Native English speaker: No
Dutch to English, English to Dutch
Dutch - Dutch
Sworn translator: Yes
Wbtv: 5316

Mike Miles

Services: editing
Specialities: law
Qualifications: Master of Science
Experience: 18 years of translating, editing and proofreading, together with my partner who is a sworn translator
Native English speaker: Yes
Dutch to English
Sworn translator: Yes
Wbtv: 0