12 September 2013: finlegsig meeting

Topic: translating financial information

Date: Thursday, 12 September

Time: from 19:00 to 21:00

Location: De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek, Amsterdam

Contact: Stephen Machon

Linda Seewald, a member of SENSE and in-house translator of a large financial institution of Dutch origin, will share her insights and experience. She'll also discuss how an in-house translator, as well as a manager of all corporate language, and manager of outsourced translation services looks at products from external translation agencies, particularly in the light of an external translator's understanding of context and the markets.

This should prove to be a very interesting meeting for finlegsig members and SENSE friends. We will be applying for 2 ongoing professional educational points for this meeting. All are most welcome. The meeting will be held in the usual location, but if you need directions, please contact the convenor.

finlegsig members generally enjoy a glass of wine together on the ZuidAs after the meeting and all are welcome to join. Wonderful opportunity to meet others in the field, talk shop, or just chill.