Keep up to date
A newsletter from SENSE drops into members’ e-mailboxes once a month. Each newsletter brims with news about the society, training opportunities from sister societies, and notices of various kinds. There are also handy links to upcoming SENSE events and links to the latest blog posts. And if you haven’t been on social media for a while, the newsletter provides an insight into that as well.
About three times a month, SENSE sends out notices about upcoming events, society business, and important news from the industry.
SENSE members who use Facebook and LinkedIn can join SENSE’s members-only Facebook and LinkedIn pages. Around 100 members are on the Facebook group and around 150 members are on the LinkedIn group. SENSE also has a public presence on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter, where our social media manager very regularly posts news about SENSE events, events from sister societies, and various other interesting posts related to our industry. These pages are accessible to the public.