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How to write great copy

This short talk will start with a quick brainstorming session to answer the question: what is good copy?

The funny thing is – you already know. The hard part is doing it yourself. Well...actually…not so hard.

We’ll run through proven and easy to use tips and techniques to make sure your writing is what you want it to be. And more importantly, what your clients need it to be.

Time: 13:45–14:30
Room: 1

Click here to register for the 2023 PDD. Click here for the full programme.

About the presenter

Stephen Johnston

Long-time SENSE member Stephen Johnston is an experienced business copywriter and trainer. He created and previously ran the SENSE Copywriting SIG, and now runs the SENSE Training SIG. He’s originally Canadian (eh?) but hates maple syrup and ice hockey. If you ask, he’ll tell you why.

Website: www.scribesolutions.nl
LinkedIn: stephen-johnston-6259354