19 January 2013 SIG for Educators meeting

Date: Saturday, 19 January
Time: 1:30 to 5pm, doors open at 1pm
Location: 7th floor conference room, Park Plaza Park Plaza Hotel, Utrecht
Contact: Iris Maher


The next meeting of the SENSE Ed SIG for educators will be held on 19 January 2013, at the Park Plaza in Utrecht. We’ll get together on Saturday afternoon to discuss topics of interest to those who attend. Some possibilities include (but are not limited to): how to determine students’ starting levels; making the most of limited time with students, such as busy managers who want to improve their English but don’t have time to do homework; individual coaching (in groups); developing your own course material to meet the needs of specific students and to match the student’s level; teaching academic skills; acquisition; various learning styles for different groups of students and dealing with multi-level students in the same class; diplomacy in teaching styles; teaching in a corporate environment vs. university/HBO; etc.

All SENSE members with an interest in education are invited to attend.

The attendance fee is €6.50 (€10 for non-members) and includes unlimited coffee/tea.



Please register no later than 14 January by sending an email to iris.maher@gmail.com

2021 PDD